Chapter 05/Romans

Blessings of Those Justified by Faith

Romans 5

Thesis: We who are justified by faith have much more than we need to overcome the curse of Satan.

I. We who are justified by faith have peace, joy, and the love of God in our hearts (5:1-5).
A. Those justified by faith have peace with God (1-2)
1. This peace is through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
2. Through Christ we have access into grace.
3. By grace we stand.
B. Those justified by faith rejoice in the hope of the glory of God and in sufferings (3-4)
1. Suffering produces perseverance.
2. Perseverance produces character.
3. Character produces hope.
C. God has poured out his love into the hearts of those who believe, through the Holy Spirit (5).
1. Because of this, his hope does not disappoint us.
2. God has given the Holy Spirit to the believers (cf. Acts 2:38; 5:32; Rom. 8:9, 11; 1 Cor. 6:9).
II. We who are justified by faith are reconciled to God and have power available to overcome Satan (5:6-8).
A. Christ died for us while we were still powerless (6).
1. The powerlessness of the lost makes him unable to do what he wants to do and to keep the law of God (cf. 7:14-25).
2. The powerlessness of the lost makes him so that he cannot please God (cf. 8:6-8).
B. Christ died for us while we were still sinners (7-8).
1. It is rare for anyone to love so much as to be willing to die even for a righteous man or a good man (7).
2. God demonstrated his love toward us by dying for us while we were still sinners (8).
III. We who are justified by faith are given much more than we need for salvation (5:9-11).
A. Those justified by Christ’s blood shall be saved from wrath (9).
B. We were saved while we were still enemies (10).
C. We are saved through both his death and his life (10).
D. This salvation includes justification from wrath, reconciliation, and rejoicing (9-11).
IV. We who are justified by faith are given overflowing grace through Christ (5:12-17).
A. Through Adam sin entered the world and death passed on all men, because all sinned (12).
1. Before “the law” was given, sin was in the world (13).
2. Sin is not taken into account when there is no law (13).
3. Death came into the world and reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not break a command as Adam did (14).
4. Therefore, there was law before “the law.” Note–This law was the standard set by moral character of God, the highest standard of good (cf. 3:23).
B. The gift of God by grace is much more than able to overcome the curse that entered by Adam’s sin (5:16, 17).
1. The gift of God is not like the trespass (15, 16).
a. The trespass brought death, but the grace blesses (15).
b. Judgment and condemnation followed the one sin of Adam, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification (16).
2. If the trespass of just one man gave power to spiritual death, how much more shall God’s abundant provision of grace and of righteousness reign in spiritual life (16).
C. Just as through the trespass of one man all were made sinners, through the obedience of one, Christ, many will be made righteous (5:18-19).
1. As by the one trespass of one man condemnation came on all men, so by the one act of righteousness of one man justification is offered to all men (18).
2. As through the disobedience of one man many were made sinners, through the obedience of one man many will be made righteous (19).
a. Many were made sinners by the disobedience of one man because sin gained power through that sin and caused all to sin (cf. v. 12; 7:14-24; 8:6-8).
b. Many will be made righteous through the obedience of Christ, because that act of obedience (i.e., his death on the cross) made forgiveness of sins and the power to refuse to obey Satan possible, to those who have submissive faith (cf. 8:3-4; 9-13; Heb. 5:8, 9; Gal. 5:6).
V. We who are justified by faith are given eternal life through Christ (5:20-21).
A. Sin increased through the law, but there is enough grace to overcome abundant sin (20).
B. Sin reigned in death, but grace reigns through eternal life that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (21).

Conclusion: Through Christ, those made righteous by faith have much more than we need for complete salvation.

© 2004, Dr. Wm. T. (Bill) Lambert
Professor Emeritus – NT Literature and Interpretation
College of Bible and Religion
Harding University